Many gardeners opt for cedar for their own landscapes. Cedar wood has an attractive color and pleasant scent. It is also easily available in most sections of the USA. Not all cedar mulches provide the very same benefits, however. Mulch labeled as “cedar” may come from a number of different trees. It may also be dyed or treated with chemicals which decrease its effectiveness. The very best cedar mulch is local, low-cost, comes in a single species of tree and contains no artificial ingredients.
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Most commercial cedar mulch comes from trees which aren’t cedars at all. All these North American trees are unrelated to the cedar of Lebanon and European cedar species. Instead, they belong to this juniper and cypress families. All these very different trees may have red wood and a strong scent, but their actual properties vary from species. Western red cedar mulch lasts considerably longer than its eastern cousins, as an example. The very best cedar mulch comes from only one identifiable species, which allows you to determine how long it will continue in your landscape.
All wood mulches come in a number of different shapes and sizes, from wood chips to shreds and sawdust, as well as powdered or chipped bark. Finer mulches hold water more effectively, but run a higher risk of compacting and may tie up soil nitrogen. Shredded cedar mulch tends to break down at a reasonable speed without affecting plant nourishment, but it is considerably more flammable than bark nuggets or wood chips, which trap less oxygen.
Cedar mulch may come from a number of different origins, which affect both its cost and its ecological footprint. As an example, commercial cedar chips often come in purpose-grown trees and has to be transported long distances. This raises their cost and the damage to the environment from shipping and manufacture. Additional cedar mulches come from local lawn and garden waste, which reduces the distance they need to travel and their cost. It is even possible to acquire cedar mulch for free. Some of the best sources of recycled timber include local arborists, lumber mills and landscape waste disposal companies.
Affordable mulch isn’t always in good condition. While most kinds of cedar have a tendency to resist rot and insect damage, they aren’t entirely immune to them. Fantastic mulch is dry and has a fresh smell and color. Avoid dyed mulches because the dye may mask poor excellent timber, in addition to causing possible ecological damage. Never purchase mulch which has a sour smell or white fibrous material in it, since these can signal fungal infestation.