How to Paint an Outdated Red Brick Fireplace

Is your old brick fireplace dragging the rest of your room down? Do not despair — paint it. By covering your fireplace using a coat of 8, its appearance can be modernized and inject fresh life. Pick a paint color that enhances your room’s color palette and decor design. Lighter paint colors have a tendency to generate while darker colors can help to cosy up a massive fireplace, a little fireplace appear bigger. Adhere to the painting hints below to deliver your fireplace that is antiquated into the 21st century.

Shield the flooring and furnishings around your fireplace by putting plastic or canvas drop cloths over the surrounding areas.

Attach to the borders of adjacent walls and fireplace hardware which you don’t need to paint.

Use a medium 120-grit sandpaper to gently sand any loose bits of crumbling brick on your fireplace.

Wash the fireplace using a solution of vinegar and warm water mixed in a 5 gallon bucket. Dip a brush into the solution and wash your chimney to get rid of soot, grime or any dirt onto the red bricks. Allow the bricks to dry completely.

Apply a thin coat of latex tinted paint primer acceptable for use on brick surfaces, beginning with all the corners and borders. For applying primer for all these 10, Utilize a angled paintbrush.

Pour of the primer into a paint tray and then dip a 1 inch paint roller into the paint tray. Start rolling from the top of the fireplace and work your way. Attach a extension pole into the paint roller to reach areas.

Allow the paint primer to dry to your touch two or three hours.

Apply a coating of interior latex paint into the red brick fireplace in your color choice, beginning with borders and the fireplace corners. Utilize an paintbrush for all these areas.

Pour of the paint into a paint tray and then dip a 1 inch paint roller into the paint tray. Start rolling out one of the corners of the fireplace and work your way downhill and across. Attach a extension pole into the paint roller to reach areas.

Allow the paint to dry to your touch a couple of hours. Apply another coat of paint and allow to dry.

Remove and then drop cloths.

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