The deciduous muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) doesn’t grow true to seed, and therefore requires other means of propagation. Through grafting, desirable muscadine varieties meld using the hardier varieties to create a new plant capable to withstand a wider variety of climactic conditions. The whip graft is one of the easiest grafts used on muscadines. Whip grafts work best on 1- year to 2-year-old rootstocks in the early spring before bud swelling.
Select a healthful, blemish-free grapevine where to harvest the scion wood. Opt for a straight, 1-year-old branch with a diameter of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Cut horizontally throughout the division just above its fourth or third bud using a knife.
Wrap the scion’s cut end in a moist paper towel. Put the scion in a plastic bag. Remove excess air from the bag and then seal it.
Select a 1-year-old rootstock using a 1/2- to 3/4-inch diameter. Cut the rootstock off 6 inches above the ground. Slice throughout the rootstock in a 45-degree angle, which makes the cut 1 to 2 inches long.
Place the knife blade throughout the cut surface of this rootstock, 1/4 inch below its pointed tip. Push the blade down into the wood, making a 1/2-inch long vertical cut down the scion’s span.
Remove the scion in the bag. Slice its bottom end in a 45-degree angle, making a 1- to 2-inch-long cut that matches the rootstock’s cut. Slide vertically to the cut end, 1/4 inch in the pointed tip, to create a notch identical to this rootstock’s notch.
Put the scion’s cut end on top of the rootstock’s cut end. Match the two surfaces. Push the bits together, sliding the scion’s notch into the rootstock’s notch. The interlocking notches will provide greater stability into the graft.
Wrap rubber grafting tape tightly around the bits above the graft’s location. Brush a layer of wax above the tape to seal in moisture and prevent insects and diseases from entering the cells that are open.
Cut off all buds on the rootstock below the graft. Slice through the base of the buds, taking care not to cut into the surrounding wood.