Occasionally called asparagus fern, foxtail bush (Asparagus densiflorus “Myersii”) is a small evergreen shrub grown for its fuzzy, cylindrical fronds and trailing or semi-erect growth addiction. It’s widely grown throughout U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 to 12, where it thrives equally well indoors or in gardens. Foxtail bushes require small hands-on care to successfully grow and they will thrive with minimal attention. They’ll look best if periodically pruned to replenish their fronds and if gently trimmed every single spring to remove outdated, spent increase.
Step out 3 parts warm water and 1 part bleach and blend it in a bucket. Soak a set of sharp pruning shears in the mix for five minutes to eliminate any bacteria, fungi or other potentially harmful pathogens. Rinse the pruning shears thoroughly and wipe them dry with a paper towel before use.
Water that the foxtail bush deeply the afternoon before pruning it to guarantee that the fronds and roots are hydrated, that will help prevent stress. Run water into the container until it dribbles from the foundation, or water garden-grown foxtail bushes until the soil feels wet in the top few inches.
Prune the foxtail bush in early spring before any new growth emerges. Snip off any old, stunted or dead fronds at the base. Make the cut at their point of origin with the freshly cleaned and sanitized pruning shears. Be careful not to nick the surrounding stems.
Remove any damaged or dead fronds as they appear throughout the summer by snipping them off near the foundation. Inspect the foxtail bush thoroughly for signs of insect pests if you see a lot of dead fronds.
Cut back the entire plant to within 2 inches of the ground with freshly cleaned and sanitized pruning shears, once every 3 years, in fall. This heavy duty rejuvenates the fronds and creates a bushier, more attractive form.
Feed the foxtail bush after pruning it in spring with a high-nitrogen, 7-5-5 ratio fertilizer. Use the fertilizer at one-half power to reduce root burn and water thoroughly after fertilizing to distribute the nutrients across the roots. Do not feed after tough pruning foxtail bushes in fall since they will produce leggy growth.