Sofa covers are an efficient and affordable way to give an old sofa a new appearance, but they seldom appear to come in any but the most fundamental of colors. Luckily, dying a sofa cover isn’t the job that it was. Now’s designer dyes may go right into the washing machine with no premixing and the colour range is much superior to what is offered on most supermarkets.
Wash your sofa cover to remove any dirt or pet hair. If it is new, washing it’s going to remove the sizing which may interfere with the dye.
Eliminate your moist sofa cover in the drier and shake it out. Attempt to eliminate all of the creases so that the dye does not collect in them.
Sprinkle the dye into the bottom of the washer. Add as much sodium as is advocated by the producer. This will vary according to the fabric you are dying and the depth of shade you want to achieve.
Fill the washer with a few inches of warm water to help dissolve the dye and salt. Don’t add any detergent.
Wash the sofa cover with warm water, running it during the longest cycle.
Add soap to your washing machine and wash the sofa cover again.
Take the sofa cover out of the washing machine and hang it above something it will not stain to air dry. Straighten out as many wrinkles as you can while it dries.