Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) is an aquatic plant that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant-hardiness zones 6a through 1-1. If there isn’t any filter, the moss doesn’t need soil or substrate, and may actually be developed as a plant on the area of a pond or fountain. The moss may be connected to alternative or rocks, mesh pond decorations, where it connect it self and will grow roots. Java moss adapts into a wide pH range from 5.5 to 8 and likes temperatures between 64 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The moss does best-in lower-light locations where algae wo n’t edge out it.
Tie parts of moss to rocks, decorations or squares using a thread or fishing line. You don’t have to to protect them with the moss; as it grows, it’ll disseminate. Attach the mesh squares to the dimensions of the fountain with line that is plastic to protect the sides of the fountain.
Place the moss in the pond or fountain under the the surface of the water. The moss will grow within the the region it is connected to. Bits of moss will split off and become carpets that are floating or put on a different area of the fountain.
In case your moss is developing gradually fertilize using a balanced liquid fertilizer. The fish waste will supply fertilizer whether there are fish in the fountain. Fertilizer WOn’t be required in the event the moss is developing quickly.
Divide clumps of moss to thin out-growth, or to go to other locations. When it is not thinned out sometimes, filters can be overwhelmed by the moss or clog the fountain.