Gazania Pruning

Gazania (Gazania ringens) is a hardy, sun-loving, drought-tolerant plant grown for its vibrant daisy-like flowers in hues of intense yellows, oranges, reds and pinks, and bicolors, all with centres of contrasting colours. A compact plant, Gazania reaches heights of 6 to 8 inches at maturity. The plant’s tough temperament makes it a good choice for rock gardens, containers and xeriscaped gardens. Gazania is a perennial in the warm climates of U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 and 10. In cooler climates, the plant is grown as an annual.

Pinch the growing tips of young plants. Cut the tip off and the very first set of leaves using your fingernails or garden shears. Pinching diverts energy to the side shoots, creating a bushier, more compact plant.

Deadhead gazania throughout the season. Deadheading, which entails removal of the wilted blossoms, prevents the plant from going to seed early, thus promoting continued blooming until the end of the growing season.

Cut gazania back to one third to half its height in the event the plant looks tired and spindly in midsummer. Blooming will be delayed temporarily, however, the much healthier, rejuvenated plant shortly will rebound for ongoing blooming until the close of the season.

Trim the old, unsightly stems from spring if you’re growing gazania as a perennial.

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