How to Eradicate Mushrooms & Toadstools

Have a walk throughout the lawn after an extended rain, and you may encounter a spongy mushroom or 2. These fungi are considered a moldy blight by many a gardener. Where water settles 23, mushrooms, or toadstools as they are also known , normally spring up unexpectedly in cool, shady spots. Some mushroom varieties, like the Death Cap, are poisonous and pose a danger to animals and kids. Unearth fungi easily with basic resources but stop their return.

Remove including stumps, clumps of leaves, cut grass and limbs, from your yard. Toss them onto a pile or haul them away.

Use a garden rake to remove the mushrooms. Wear protective gardening gloves to avoid contact. Select the mushrooms and set them. Do not burn off the mushrooms or set them in your compost pile.

Aerate the ground where mushrooms typically develop, with a garden or hoe rake. Mushrooms would rather spring up from dirt rather than , healthy soil that is loose. Move the hoe chopping the dirt up carefully to disturb.

Sprinkle nitrogen fertilizer or throw it. Use 1 pound of nitrogen for each 1000 square feet of lawn you treat. Soak the lawn with water to permit the fertilizer to seep into the soil. Treat the lawn with nitrogen fertilizer many times a year to control mushrooms.

Eliminate a ring of mushrooms or a ring by cutting the sod away and up with a shovel. Rings ruin disperse and lawns . Split the ground with a hoe. By pulling the sod Halt the spread of the fungus. Replace the sod using fresh, uncontaminated grass or grass seed.

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