Granite backsplashes that are Engineered most frequently need fabrication, professional measurement and installation. For a granite countertop that you can put in by yourself, granite tiles are the way to go. Tile installation is like most other tile, but you can not cut granite with a manual tile cutter. Rent a saw with a diamond blade from a home improvement store and your cuts will likely be clean and directly. You may set a granite countertop.
Estimate the Layout
The area where the backsplash will go. Mark and measure cement-based backer board sheets cutting the planks with a utility knife.
Lay the backer board sheets end-to-end on floor or the countertop in the alignment you will use on the splash, leaving a 1/8-inch distance between sheets.
Put the granite tiles on the backer board to find a tile layout that you enjoy. Use vinyl spacers between tiles to get a more accurate match.
Mark need cutting. Remove the tiles that are from the backer board.
Trace the outline of the tiles where they sit on the backer board.
Prepare the Backer Board
Mix latex-modified thin-set tile mortar according to the water-to-dry-mix ratio of the manufacturer. Use thin set for tiles that were mild and grey for tiles.
Distribute the mortar on the wall covering the place where the backer board will go.
Mist the facet of the backer boards from a spray bottle with plain water and push the planks from the thin set. Leave a 1/8-inch gap between planks and between the base of the countertop and the boards.
Fasten the planks to the wall with 1 1/4-inch galvanized screws with a Phillips bit and a power drill. Place screws 8 inches apart across the planks, but maintain all screws 3/4 inch in in from the corners.
Spread thin set over the seams between planks with a drywall seam-taping knife, and press fiberglass mesh seam tape from the thin set. Drag the knife across the tape to seat the mesh to the set that is thin. Apply another coat of thin set the tape over and let the seams dry.
Install Full Tiles
Mist that the backer boards .
Spread thin set on the planks with a notched trowel, functioning within the pencil outlines that you traced around the outside of the complete tiles.
Press the complete granite tiles from the moist thin set on the backer board within the traced outline, integrating spacers between tiles.
Cut and Install the Remainder
Measure the empty spaces from the backsplash and compare them to the tiles that you marked for cutting. In the event the alignment has shifted adjust the cutting marks on the tiles.
Fill out the saw’s reservoir . Set the saw’s fence you need to cut a tile. In the event you have to eliminate 3 inches lock the weapon against the platform 3 inches away from the blade.
Put on eye protection and twist on the saw.
Butt the fence with the pen mark in accord with the blade with the tile. Push on the tile to the blade, keeping your fingers. Cut each tile the same manner.
Spread thin set on the backs of the clip tiles and press them set up from the rear splash. Before grouting wait overnight or at least 24 hours.
Finish with Grout
Reach into the lines with needle-nose pliers and pull the tile spacers .
Marble or mix granite grout in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
Distribute the grout over the tiles and work it into the grout joints with a grout float. Scrape off the excess grout with the edge of the float.
Wipe the tiles with a damp sponge after about 10 minutes. Once a chalky haze appears, buff the tiles with a dry rag.