New blankets have a tendency to shed, leaving your bed and seams covered in lint. Woven wool and cotton blankets are the worst criminals, but synthetic blankets also shed and pill. The American Cleaning Institute recommends washing etching at least four times per year, but new blankets may need to be washed more frequently at first before the shedding subsides. Giving the blanket a shave between washes helps reduce the amount of fuzz that ends up in your washer and dryer.
Wash the blanket on the gentle cycle in the washing machine or in a tub. Use cold water and mild laundry detergent. Reducing agitation can help reduce shedding.
Add 1 cup white vinegar to the wash cycle if you’re using a top-loading machine. Fill the bleach dispenser using vinegar if you’re using a high-efficiency machine.
Hang the blanket to dry if possible. Should you use a dryer, add a scrap of velvet or corduroy fabric to draw lint.
Add two tennis balls to help fluff the blanket when you’re using a dryer. Set the dryer to low heat and remove the blanket at soon as it is dry.
Lay the blanket flat and shave it using a electric sweater shaver or gently rub it with a pumice stone to eliminate shedding.
Remove shedding using a sticky lint roller or by blotting the blanket with wide masking tape wrapped around the hand.