From the Biblical account, the Ark of the Covenant is said to have been made out of shittim wood, which comes from the red acacia tree (Vachellia seyal). That probably isn’t the type of acacia wood from which your patio furniture is made, though. Most modern acacia timber comes in the Australian blackwood tree (Acacia melanoxylon) along with the Hawaiian koa tree (Acacia koa). This medium-dense hardwood requires exactly the identical sort of maintenance as mahogany.
Why Oiling Matters
Blackwood and koa have virtually the same Janka hardness, which is about 1,160 pound-feet, which makes these woods about as hard as oak or maple. Both are prone to insects and require protection when left in the components, but that’s not the only reason to oil them. Acacia wood is frequently highly vulnerable, and oiling tends to underline the color variations in the grain. Oiling darkens the base grain somewhat, changing it from a golden brown to a deeper red one. Like most hardwoods, acacia immediately turns gray when left in full sun with no protection of the ultra-violet-dispersing finish.
The ideal Oil to Use
Any type of completing oil should function as a drying one, which means it reacts with moisture from the air to turn hard from the grain, providing a level of moisture resistance. Boiled linseed oil and tung oil are the only natural drying oils, and most commercial oils have one or another as the base ingredient. Using a pigmented completing oil is better than using a clear oil, because pigments offer UV protection. This protection prevents graying of the wood and guarantees that the wood lasts longer and stays in better condition.
Preparing for Oiling
If your furniture was outdoors, you’ll need to make sure it’s completely dry before oiling it; otherwise, you’ll lock moisture into the grain, and the oil may bubble or peel. Clean off all dirt with a damp rag. If you need to wash off the dirt, use a mild detergent solution; an ounce of dish soap in a gallon of water will safely perform the job. Once the wood is clean, give it a hand scuff with 150-grit seams prior to oiling. This opens the grain and allows the oil to penetrate more deeply and evenly.
Applying the Petroleum
You can apply finishing oil to your furniture with a paintbrush or a rag. Start by turning each piece upside-down so you are able to get the underside and legs; oil every piece of wood to protect it from moisture. You don’t need to wait for the oil to dry before righting each piece and applying oil to the visible vertical and horizontal surfaces. The underside probably needs just a single coat, but you may want to apply another coat to the visible pieces. Before doing this, wait for the first coat to dry; afterward scuff gently with 220-grit sandpaper. This simple procedure makes the moment coat smoother and more lustrous.