Also known as Java laurel or weeping Chinese banyan, Weeping fig ficus (Ficus benjamina) is a compact, upright evergreen tree valued for its shiny green leaves. Although weeping fig ficus is acceptable for growing outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 to 11, it can be nipped by frost in exposed areas. It is well-suited as a container-grown indoor plant that’s moved outdoors throughout the summer. Often, the plant is placed outdoors year-round in protected places like indoor shopping malls or courtyards.
Put a new weeping fig ficus in direct sunlight like a window with a southern exposure. When the plant is acclimated, leave the ficus in bright light or move it to indirect light like a north-facing window.
Water weeping fig ficus with lukewarm water whenever the potting mixture feels slightly dry to the touch. Allow water to drain thoroughly before putting the plant back on its drainage saucer, as sloping dirt can cause the tree to rot. Although ficus tolerates relatively dry land, it often reacts to excessively dry soil by dropping its leaves.
Fertilize weeping fig ficus each three to four weeks while the plant is actively growing. Utilize a general-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer mixed at a speed of one-half the strength recommended on the package. Decrease feeding in fall, then withhold fertilizer during the winter months.
Prune weak growth and dead twigs as frequently as necessary. Prune as necessary to maintain the desirable size and shape, as ficus tolerates pruning well. Removing up to one third of the branches generates a bushier tree and exposes the plant to more light. Make each cut just over a stem or a leaf node, which can be a protrusion where a leaf is growing.
Repot ficus only when the plant becomes rootbound, as ficus thrives when the roots are slightly crowded. When you see roots growing through the drainage hole, or if the potting soil dries a day or two after watering, it’s a fantastic time to repot the ficus to a container only one or two sizes larger. Put 1 to 2 inches of potting mixture at the base of the new container. Remove the ficus from its container, then place it on the potting mixture, then fill in around the root ball with potting mixture.
Go weeping fig ficus outdoors during the summer months, since the plant benefits from bright outdoor sunlight. But be ready for the plant to dump several leaves, which can be a normal reaction to change. The plant will drop leaves when you bring it inside for the winter.