The notion of cutting a plant’s origins sends many new and inexperienced gardeners into a fear. Request bonsai aficionados how they maintain their treasured plants so little and, apart from painstaking pruning, you will find out they also prune the plant origins. While the careful handling of roots is vital with a young plant, elderly and particularly woody plants are a lot more durable, notes Linda Chalker-Scott, horticulturist and associate professor with the Washington State University Extension Center. The coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is also a good example of such a plant. Whether transplanting it by a huge nursery container or transferring it from 1 part of the garden to another, cutting coral honeysuckle origins will prompt new root growth, aiding the plant become recognized.
The best time to transplant most plants is while they are dormant. This becomes a struggle with the coral honeysuckle grown in mild climates as it might not go dormant. In this case early spring, when the plant is not actively growing, is the very best time to transplant. Since the roots must be cut two to three months prior to rebooting, begin the whole process in winter.
There are several tasks you want to perform before cutting on the coral honeysuckle’s origins. Two times before cutting the roots, water the coral honeysuckle to a thickness of 12 inches. This method makes it a lot easier to dig in the soil and it plumps up the origins with moisture, making it less likely they will dry out when exposed to the air. Finally, prune the plant back to one third of its current size.
The Way To Cut
Since roots are buried it is frequently a struggle to determine where to start digging. A great rule of thumb with the coral honeysuckle would be to assess the division spread at its widest point and divide that number by two-thirds. The end result is the distance in the honeysuckle’s foundation you must dig. Since you want to dig an whole circle around the honeysuckle, mark the area with stone or other items before beginning.
The best tool to use to lower the coral honeysuckle’s origins is a sharp spade. Drive it straight down at your mark, cutting the plant’s origins. You should have the ability to feel it cutting through the thicker roots. If you hit a snag, you might have to use your fingers to eliminate the soil until you discover the root that is causing it. A sharp pair of pruning shears must cut through the origin. Keep pulling the spade to the origins until you have carved a circle around the coral honeysuckle, severing all the roots.